Monday, June 29, 2009

Abra Synchronize Team

A few post back Jimmer mentions his Abra synchronize team for catching Pokemon of a specific nature. Synchronize gives a 50% encountering a wild Pokémon with the same nature. So all you need is 1 Abra with the synchronize ability for each of the natures.

Its simple right, catch a male and female Abra put them into the day care and hatch eggs until you have the team.

I found 2 Abra, level 5 to start.

That’s when things get harder; seams Abra also have another ability called Inner Focus. So I had to release about half the Abras caught and then after a while you start to get more and more repeat natures.

I was down to needing 3 more natures when Jimmer was able to help me out with the last 3. Thanks Jimmer!. And my starting Abras went from level 5 to level 45 in the daycare.

Why have Abras? To catch Dittos of a specific nature. A Ditto or a female Pokémon that holds an Everstone has a 50% chance of passing its nature to its offspring when at the Pokémon Daycare.

Using my Abra Team I caught my Ditto team fairly easily.


  1. Did you hunt for Ditto in DP or Platinum? I was debating getting a second set of breeding Ditto for my Platinum game, but according to Serebi, Ditto is relegated to Trophy Garden...but it never came up as the Daily Pokemon in 20 minutes of resetting.

  2. I hunted for the Ditto in Diamond. I havent looked for them in Platinum yet.
