Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gotta Catch 'Em All 31 thru 60

I have a pretty good start on Box 2, these I already had in my Silver game.
#039 Jigglypuff, #054 Psyduck, #044 Gloom, #043 Oddish, #048 Venonat, #046 Paras, #035 Clefairy, #041 Zubat, #032 Nidoran

The Catch List
#031 Nidoqueen
#033 Nidorino
#034 Nidoking
#036 Clefable
#037 Vulpix
#038 Ninetales
#040 Wigglytuff
#042 Golbat
#045 Vileplume
#047 Parasect
#049 Venomoth
#050 Diglett
#051 Dugtrio
#052 Meowth
#053 Persian
#055 Golduck
#056 Mankey
#057 Primeape
#058 Growlithe
#059 Arcanine
#060 Poliwag

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gotta Catch 'Em All 1 thru 30

I actually started the “Gotta Catch 'Em All” project a few years ago but only got as far as the first 9 Pokémon.
#001 Bulbasaur ,#002 Ivysaur ,#003 Venusaur
#004 Charmander ,#005 Charmeleon ,#006 Charizard
#007 Squirtle ,#008 Wartortle,#009 Blastoise

Traded from my Diamond: #010 Caterpie, #012 Butterfree, #013 Weedle, #014 Kakuna , #016 Pidgey, #017 Pidgeotto, #018 Pidgeot, #019 Rattata , #020 Raticate , #021 Spearow, #022 Fearow, #023 Ekans, #025 Pikachu, #027 Sandshrew, #028 Sandslash, #029 Nidoran♀

#018 Pidgeot, I put an exp share on a Pidgey, and leveled it up to 36 to get this one

#024 Arbok, caught on Route 27 in Silver

#011 Metapod caught on Route 2 in Gold

Transfered these last 4 from Diamond
#021 Spearow,#015 Beedrill, #026 Raichu, #030 Nidorina

Now that the box is full, here is a list of the Original Trainers.
Muzio, Paxe, Bill, Desmond, Quimbly, Frank, Sable, Ash,& Elenore

Gotta Catch 'Em All

Several years ago while playing the Ruby game I had started a project to catch all the Pokémon I was almost finished when the cartridge got whipped out. Now after completing Diamond, Pearl, Platinum & Silver I think it’s time again to try to Catch ‘Em All.

I met a guy at the VGC Qualifier that had a cartridge dedicated to holding one of all the Pokémon. It was impressive and the project appeals to the completist in me to finish.

I am thinking I have most of the Pokémon on the other cartridges so many of them I can just trade over to my Silver cartridge to hold all of the Pokémon, The reason I chose the Silver cartridge is Ill need lots of extra Pokémon 493 I think to trade and with Silver I have a nice steady stream of Pokémon coming in without much effort, These are the Pokéwalker, Bug catching contest, breeding, GTS & the Safari Zone.

Because there are so many Pokémon, I am going to focus on 1 box at a time. A box holds 30 Pokémon.

Don’t be surprised if I start asking for trades on middle evolution Pokémon!

Here is a list of all the Pokemon:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Post-VGC Qualifier

Sadly, Joel and I didn't play. He got there at 10am, and slacked around inside before getting in line. I got there around noon, and he'd already gotten out of line to hang out inside...and download some extra Shiny Eevee. (Basically you have a HG/SS game, download it, trade Eevee out, reset the entire game, then play through until you have the Poke-dex.)

The line was huge at noon, with several hundred already in line for registration at 1. I was planning on hanging out inside, and then head into line as it got shorter, but they cut the line at 1:30 when it was still outside - if you weren't in line by that time, you weren't playing. (No announcements inside - there were some sad players.)

I did get to play a lot with the Pokewalker though - it was the first time I connected with more than 10 Pokewalkers. After 10 connections, instead of getting an item you get Watts (I received anywhere from 31-99 Watts per connection). In addition, if you have access to Viridian City on the second map, the final 10 connections at the ones that show up in the Trainer Hall there.

Pokewalker was pretty social - I can easily imagine the throngs of Pokewalkers at PAX this summer. Maybe that will rack up enough Watts to close out my Pokewalker courses.